Services & Supports
Community Residential Services
Our residential programs offer professional staffing and support services in our privately owned homes located in Ramsey and Anoka County. Our homes serve up to four adults over the age of 18, with each person having their own bedroom, living areas, and green space/yard.
Each program has trained staff available to assist individuals with activities of daily living including; personal cares, medications, meals, transportation and opportunities to participate in their career and community.
Staffing ratios at each program is determined by the supervision and support needed by the individuals. We encourage everyone to participate in household decision making, meal planning and community activities. We feel this contributes to a family-like home environment.
Our services are designed to provide person centered planning and individualized supports which promotes personal success and happiness. All staff are provided with orientation and extensive training that includes but not limited to, Person Centered Planning, First Aid, Medication Administration, and Brain Injury Basics.
Positive Support Services
We offer Positive Support Services to assist individuals in achieving their goals and to reduce actions that may compromise independence. Increasing adaptive coping behaviors and reducing those behaviors that hold individuals back from their goals in the community is the focus of this service. Positive support services can be provided to clients in all types of settings including licensed residential programs and facilities, assisted living and in the community.
A full functional assessment is completed for each individual by licensed professionals, followed by the completion and implementation of a positive support plan. The positive support plan includes proactive strategies to promote positive actions and responses to target behaviors. We provide support and training to caregivers and family members on the support plan strategies, collect and analyze behavioral data and increase skill building opportunities for each individual served.
24-Hour Emergency Assistance Programs
This service offers crisis prevention support to clients who live in the community. Individuals receiving 24-Hour Emergency Assistance have phone contact and physical meetings with professional staff. Additionally, clients have 24 hour access to staff in order to address emergency needs including but not limited to: on-call counseling, problem solving, or a health care or personal emergency.
Housing Stabilization Services
Housing Stabilization Services (HSS) is intended to support an individual by supporting housing transitions, increasing housing stability in the community, and avoiding potential homelessness or institutionalizations. The main service components include transitioning and sustaining services. Transition services help people plan for, find, and move into independent housing; sustaining services helps a person maintain their housing. Integrity Living Options is accepting clients who reside and plan to move within the Twin Cities metro area (within 25 miles of Minneapolis).
Crisis Stabilization Services
Short-term care and intervention strategies provided to a person due to:
• Need for relief and support of the caregiver and protection of the person or others living with the person
• Person’s need for behavioral or medical intervention.
A person is eligible to receive crisis respite services when caregivers and service providers are not able to provide necessary intervention and protection of the person or others living with them. Crisis respite services allow the person to avoid institutional placement.
Crisis respite services include:
1. Assessment of the person and situation to determine the factors precipitating the crisis
2. Development of a provider intervention plan in coordination with the service-planning team
3. Consultation and training to the provider(s) and/or caregiver(s) to ensure successful implementation of the provider intervention plan
4. Ongoing technical assistance to the caregiver or provider to implement the provider intervention plan
5. Recommendations for service plan revision to prevent or minimize future crisis situations and increase the likelihood of maintaining the person in the community
6. Development and implementation of a transition plan to aid the person’s return home if out-of-home crisis respite is provided.
Integrity Living Options Testimonial
As guardian of my sister-in-law, Mary, I have been working with Integrity Living Options, Inc. for the past 11 years. During that time Integrity has provided the best care and complete peace of mind for Mary’s family and me. Integrity and their amazing staff meet all of Mary’s day-to-day needs. The Integrity team seamlessly handles her doctor appointments and coordination with outside services.
Over the years as Mary’s challenges have continue to evolve the Integrity staff partners with her medical and service providers to create the appropriate care plans. Thank you Integrity for all you do for Mary.
Dave – Conservator